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  1. Maiyannah Bishop ([email protected])'s status on Monday, 17-Apr-2017 15:49:32 EDT Maiyannah Bishop Maiyannah Bishop
    in reply to
    • Sean Tilley
    • Danyl Strype
    @deadsuperhero @strypey I have reservations about AP's unanswered questions.  Mike Micgivrin raised the good point of the privacy means not being terribly actually private.  I have a mild worry if some of these concerns aren't answered well just kind of end up with OStatus 2.0: the protocol everyone uses because it works across the most use cases but isn't happy with and end up extending in nonstandard ways that kind of break all over the place.  I'm optimistic people might address these concerns based on their enthusiasm for the discussion, but ultimately, time will tell.
    In conversation from Qvitter