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  1. Maiyannah Bishop ([email protected])'s status on Saturday, 20-May-2017 14:01:20 EDT Maiyannah Bishop Maiyannah Bishop
    in reply to
    • Linux Walt (@lnxw48a1)
    • Christopher M. Hobbs
    @lnxw48a1 @munin @hobbsc Ironically, going the other way, from systemd to sysvinit, works just great.  I recently transferred from systemd (debian default on jessie) to sysvinit without any problems at all.  I did end up copying proper sysvinit files from another box though, but even without that it worked just fine (I just like my pretty service status readouts, instead of just "UP")

    runit works fine on CentOS, by the way.  My linux partition is CentOS 6.8 with sysvinit replaced by runit.  Works just fine.
    In conversation from Qvitter